Welcome to the GenreVision podcast network, home of the GenreVision Movie Club, Fin Flicks, and more.
Two super-vehicles race for technological supremacy!
Make room for Daddy!
Mommy’s not feeling very well…
Happy Mother’s Day from GenreVision!
They’re all gonna laugh at you!!
Apologies to everyone with a unibrow.
Neil Gaiman’s novel springs to zany life!
A lusty, crusty, musty epic!
One very grim fairy tale!
Deep silliness!
Zany, goopy alien madness from Hong Kong!
Give my regards to King Tut, asshole!
Let Walken cook!
Whoever loses… we win!
Backroads noir from the Criterion Collection!
Four women on the brink are ready to Set It Off!
Wesley Snipes makes change from our five-dollar asses!
Tupac Shakur’s big Hollywood break!
Kathryn Bigelow’s cop nightmare.
Michael Douglas presents Michael Douglas in…
Two super-vehicles race for technological supremacy!